My vocation story to the Oblate Sisters of Providence started in 2004, when I was searching through a book called A Guide to Religious Ministries for Catholic Men and Women. One morning I came across the congregation called the Oblate Sisters of Providence, founded by Mother Mary Lange in Baltimore, Maryland. When I read through the brief summary of the history
of the congregation I became interested, and was very drawn to their charism. I wrote to their vocation director the next day. After correspondence by letter and telephone, I was able to arrange a visit with the Sisters. During my time at the Motherhouse I felt that I had found a home where I could continue to nurture my vocation to the religious life.
General of the Oblate Sisters asked me to apply in
writing. I responded immediately and in June I
was accepted as a candidate. I was received into
the formation wing of the community on July 1, 2007 and became a novice nine months later.
I made my first profession of vows on March 25, 2009. I am grateful to the Superior General and her Council, my vocation director Sr. Stephen, all the Oblate Sisters of Providence and to God, for giving me a wonderful home and community to fulfill my call to the consecrated life.